Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Foreign investment push into renewable energy segment

Investments of up to Rs 40,000 crore expected in next 2 years; however, implementation challenges need to be addressed, caution many

There seems a rush of foreign investors in India’s renewable energy (RE) sector, following the government’s stated ambition to add 175 Gw of capacity in this segment by 2022, to the existing 36.3 Gw.

Italian energy renewables entity ENEL Green’s $33 million buy-out of a majority stake in has followed US-based SunEdison acquiring Continuum Wind Energy for $650 mn three months earlier.

Ambit Corporate Finance, which is advising foreign strategic and institutional investors to invest in the sector, says Rs 40,000 crore of investments are expected in the next two years. This will be to build 7-8 Gw annually, at an average cost of Rs 4-5 a Mw.

"What is attracting investors is that rates are fixed for the useful life of an RE plant, usually 25 years," says Rahul Mody, managing director of Ambit.

UBS Investment Bank, financial advisor to BLP Energy for the investment from ENEL Green, is also expecting a surge. “We have already seen a significant fall in cost of power generation from RE sources,” says Sawan Kumar, executive director. “As the technology improves, economy of scale comes and efficiency improves. The hope is that cost of renewable power will become equivalent to that of conventional power in the next two to three years. It would also depend, he cautioned, on the behaviour of coal prices.
Foreign investment push into renewable energy segment
“Risk is not being appropriately considered right now. People are assuming the government is going to deliver on the challenges plaguing the power for long. if they do not, there will be a similar situation to that on the conventional side,” says Sumant Sinha, founder and chief executive officer at Goldman Sachs-backed ReNew Power. This entity claims to be the largest Indian player in the space, with 1,000 Mw in construction and operational wind and solar energy projects.

”There are concerns such as grid evacuation and financial health of distribution companies.  If these are not addressed simultaneously to the expected capacity addition, then perhaps the payment issues will start,” says Sinha.

The rush of foreign investors is also because India is attractive for large in the segment looking to diversify geographically into Asia. The Indian market is considered easier to enter than the Chinese one.

 RenewableCurrent Capacity (MW)Target by 2022 (MW)
Wind Power23,76360,000
Solar Power4,0611,00,000
Small Hydro Power4,1025,000
Biomass power 4,41910,000
Source: Care Ratings

"Currently, the Indian energy generation market is considered risky, considering almost all of the Indian utilities are severely in debt; paying developers on time can make or break the market,''says Raj Prabhu, head of Mercom Capital Group, a global clean technology communications and research entity.


Monday, 28 September 2015

Water sector - Privatisation or Remunicipalisation

Privatisation of urban water supply: The muddy picture

The municipal body’s financial losses from water works has reportedly increased by Rs 60 crore per annum, leading to demands, from both opposition parties and the local community, for the ouster of the private player.

As the government pushes for more private sector investments in urban infrastructure and basic service provision, it has chosen to showcase Nagpur as its model for water supply privatisation. At Smart City conferences in Delhi, officials have been hailing the Nagpur model as worthy of emulation. But the situation on ground is different. In 2012, the BJP-led municipal body in Nagpur handed over its water supply to a subsidiary of the French water corporation, Veolia, for 25 years. Since then, the project has seen allegations of corruption, four increases in water tariffs, cost overruns, and delays in plugging leaks. The municipal body’s financial losses from water works has reportedly increased by Rs 60 crore per annum, leading to demands, from both opposition parties and the local community, for the ouster of the private player. Nagpur was the first large city in India to hand over its entire water service to a private firm. Smaller experiments in privatisation in Khandwa, Mysore, and Aurangabad, among others, have followed similar trajectories. Social mobilisation against the introduction of PPP (Public-Private Partnership) projects in metros such as Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore have led to the plans being aborted. Although water is a state subject, the Centre’s proposed model concession agreement for PPP in water distribution will likely receive a leg-up from the emphasis on private funding in the flagship urban missions, Smart Cities and AMRUT. This will create an enabling environment for private participation in the urban water supply and distribution sector, which until now has remained the most essential of public services. The government’s move, however, runs counter to an accelerating global trend towards remunicipalisation of water supply. A 2014 study by the Transnational Institute lists 180 case studies in the last 15 years of public authorities wresting back control from private players — including in capital cities such as Paris, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Budapest, Kuala Lumpur and Bogota. 75% of these cases have been in high-income countries. The US has seen the largest number of cases — 59 — followed by France (49), home to the world’s largest water corporations, Veolia and Suez, and the country with the longest history of water privatisation. Forty-four cases were recorded in middle- and low-income countries. The smaller number has been attributed to the fact that these countries are more likely to be subject to conditionalities of multilateral lenders. Also, the transaction cost of remunicipalising often involves paying huge compensation to the private operators for lost profits. And yet, there have been instances such as Johannesburg, where the introduction of prepaid meters that stopped dispensing water until further water credit was purchased, triggered massive unrest in the slums; and Cochabamba and La Paz-El Alto in Bolivia, where intense water wars led to remunicipalisation. Closer home, the former Congress Chief Minister, Vilasrao Deshmukh, had handed over water services in his hometown of Latur to a private operator — but within a few years, the Maharashtra water supply department had to take back control after high tariffs without any improvement in water quality triggered strong protests. In all 180 cases, contracts were not renewed, or terminated abruptly, as private operators failed to fulfill obligations in terms of holding tariff lines, improving coverage and quality, reducing water losses, and ensuring financial transparency. Even Manila, which is claimed to be a success, has witnessed complaints of a 7- to 10-time increase in water tariff post-privatisation. The basic premise of the PPP model, promoted in the global South by the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, is that water should be treated as an economic commodity whose full costs must be recovered from users, so as to ensure efficiency in service provision. Of all the arguments against treating water as anything other than a basic right, the most compelling has been its repercussions on the health of populations. In rural Ontario, immediately after water-testing was taken over by a private company, there was an E. coli outbreak that killed seven people. The company said that it had detected the contamination early on, but the test results were not made public as they were “confidential intellectual property”. Similarly, in South Africa’s rural KwaZulu Natal, where a couple of hundred died following a cholera outbreak in the early part of the last decade, studies showed the epidemic to be the direct outcome of private companies stopping free water supply from communal standpipes. This was replaced by a system of prepaid water meters, forcing the poor to use unsafe water sources. However, merely remunicipalising, or continuing public operators, will not necessarily help in plugging leakages or expanding coverage. In most successful models of remunicipalisation in France, Argentina and Spain, public operators significantly increased their investment in water systems, and kept charges low for the poor. An emerging alternative to the World Bank’s Public-Private Partnership model is Public-Public Partnership, which encourages global partnerships between public water operators in knowledge and technology sharing, as well as in capacity-building measures. The idea is supported by the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation. India is currently on track in terms of the Millennium Development Goals target for sustainable access to clean drinking water. Under a system of publicly owned and controlled water utilities, the proportion of urban households with access to clean water sources has increased from 87% in 1990 to 95.3% in 2012. A staggering 65 million people live in urban slums in India, and any reversal of gains made so far in terms of access to water will also hit the modest gains in health, education and gender parity among the urban poor. 
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