The moment a budget is presented in Parliament or assemblies, it’s standard theatre for opposition members to rush out and denounce it as anti-poor or anti-farmer. They paint the government to be representing corporates, intent only on selling farmers’ land to industries at a throwaway price. They demand imposition of more and more taxes on the rich and distribution of these to the poor.
The government also comes forward with the claim of presenting a pro-poor, pro-farmer budget followed by a laundry list of freebies provided for the poor. The opposition claims ‘rich are getting richer and poor poorer’.
All these suggest that budgets should be prepared solely for the poor. The middle class or rich do not exist, even if they do nothing need be done for them. Everything must be done for the poor because they vote in large numbers.
So, is poverty a virtue? Does one commit a crime by earning well? ‘Industry’ is presented as a dirty word. The overwhelming perception is that any industrialist sets up industry for the exploitation of labour, society and farmers. He is therefore undeserving of any mercy. The more merciless the government can be towards the corporate, the more popular it supposedly becomes.
‘Profit’ too is a dirty word, but unless the industrialist earns a good profit why should he set up any industry? There is no need for him to make the effort, overcoming a myriad governmental and societal obstacles.
There is not a single chief minister or prime minister in independent India who has not made untiring efforts to draw industry to his domain. Even the very pro-poor, pro-farmer Left Front government in West Bengal had to do so, at the risk of losing power. And they all do it to eradicate poverty. To create jobs and employment. To increase per capita income. To improve people’s standard of living.
Most farmers approach politicians, MPs, MLAs, ministers to get a job for their wards in industry, not in the farming sector. Because there is no profit in agriculture. While this is the reality on one side, on the other farmers are incited to resist when industry comes.
By improvement of the standard of living of the poor we mean converting an earthen house to pucca, provisioning a washing machine, a refrigerator or even an air conditioner and a two wheeler.
These rescue the women from the drudgery of washing clothes; prevent wastage of vegetables and other food items; provide more comfort leading to increase in efficiency and some leisure. And we require electricity to run them. Without industry who would provide the cement, steel, pipes, power needed for all these accessories to a decent standard of living?
Land acquisition is now encountering stiff resistance even for roads, irrigation, power generation, atomic energy and defence projects. But during the 67 years of Independence, all the cities and towns of India have expanded enormously all around, essentially on farmland. And farmers have often willingly sold their land for a good price.
Around Sanand in Gujarat, where the Tatas set up their Nano car manufacturing facility after being booted out from Singur in Bengal, international automobile companies such as Peugeot of France, the US General Motors and Suzuki of Japan have developed their factories by purchasing farmlands. The farmers losing land have told media that they haven’t seen as much money in generations as they are doing now, enabling them to get rid of indebtedness for the first time. Other land owners demand their land be sold.
So, should a farmer remain tied to farming for generations? Can’t he be allowed to shift occupation to get rid of poverty?
It sounds satisfying to say that while the rich are getting richer the poor are getting poorer. But are the poor really getting poorer in a liberalised economy? Planning Commission estimates show 22% to be below the poverty line two years back, compared to 37.2% a decade back. In most states the actual land owner has shifted to urban areas for a better lifestyle, farm labourers and share croppers are the real land owners now. They, too, have raised their standard of living to an extent.
In today’s globalised world merit is the main criterion. The more efficient or skilled one is, the more prosperous one grows. Today’s liberal democracies provide equal opportunity to all, which hasn’t happened in history before. Therefore, ‘capitalist’ and ‘industry’ should not be dirty words.
All capitalist states have turned into welfare states. They make the poor more competitive through capacity building, teaching them to fish rather than simply distributing fish. The Indian government should not aim to be ‘mai-baap’, infantilising people and making them depend on it for everything. The citizen must not be rendered a passive fatalist.
Rather, he must be taught to dream so that the dream can materialise one day. He must think, poverty is a curse. He must make every effort to get rid of it. He must not remain a beggar for government doles. Instead, the state should remove all hurdles to his becoming competitive in today’s economy.
Source: M A Kharabela Swain (The writer is a former MP from Odisha) - Times of India, April 23rd, 2015
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